
5 Stages Of Joining A Fandom:

Being a part of a Fandom is like a long term relationship, you are caught unaware initially and then you cant live without them. Here ...

Being a part of a Fandom is like a long term relationship, you are caught unaware initially and then you cant live without them. Here are the stages that everyone goes through while in one:

1. The Introduction
You generally hear it from your friends. Some names that mean nothing to you and stories that you can't really understand and you keep wondering how someone can be so crazy about fictional characters.

one piece animated GIF
2. The First Episode
You flip through channels and the strip on the bottom states its name. There it is, the show playing right now. Might as well watch it right?
love animated GIF

3. The Addiction Begins
One episode wasn't really enough. You want to know more, its really just to satiate your knowledge..and Boom, you've watched 3 seasons in a week and your eyes are box shaped now

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4. The Crush
That one Character who takes your breath away. This is what it feels like to be in love with a fictional character. Suddenly the persons who introduced you to the series in point no.1 make a lot of sense, You relate to them more than ever and now you get all the stories they always kept telling you.
love animated GIF

5. The Final Fan stage
You are defend your favourite characters, you think about the show all day, you wonder what they do during their free time, you have watched all the gag reels, you know their real names, how many kids they have , basically their entire real family. You are not just a fan, you are much closer to them, I think they should really upgrade the term to being an Air Conditioner from a fan :P
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