
10 Reasons Why You Should Not Have A Bath

1. It takes away your smell. "smelly cat; smelly cat, what are they feeding you" 2. You will get dirty again. ...

1. It takes away your smell.
"smelly cat; smelly cat, what are they feeding you"

2. You will get dirty again.
lions don't have a bath

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3. Save water , bathe once a year.
save mother earth

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4. You will get more space on public transport.
move it.

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5. You may get free food and some change for the bus.

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6. Your boss will give you leaves just to have a bath, what a cool excuse.
yeay yeay

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7. The local dogs will love you.
because they think you are a trash can

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8. Its too much work , the whole ritual of having a bath, you are too busy for all this

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9. Your relatives wont recognize you after some time so you can hangout anywhere with your girlfriend.
if you still have one that is

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10. Its too complicated.
whats a bathroom? how do you use this rotating thing. arrgh this is rocket science

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work 7026999726838483048

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