
7 Explanations For The Blue Black/White Golden Dress.

I am one of the happiest people I know and yet I saw the dress as black and blue. So I don't really agree with the blue bla...

I am one of the happiest people I know and yet I saw the dress as black and blue. So I don't really agree with the blue black are depressed theory. So here are my possible explanations:

1. Different Centres of the Brain get activated in different people.
Its all about thinking in your own unique way

stupid animated GIF

2. Rods and Cones in the Retina.
Whichever is more prominent determines the colours you see. Maybe.

eyes animated GIF

3. Aliens. Aliens don't want to see the people on Earth happy, If you saw the dress as white and golden, well happiness wont last much longer for you once you are on a spaceship to Mars for experiments.

Disney Pixar animated GIF

4. Its a conspiracy.
To divide  humans into two kinds, The Internet is the Base Camp right now..But..they may shift it..

someone animated GIF

5. Its Haunted.
Perhaps the dress, perhaps the photo. 
*Share it with 10 people or you get struck by lightning in 2 seconds*
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6. The Illuminati
When something cannot be explained, its them at their secret mission I'm sure..

7. Who Cares
Meh. Its a terrible dress
unimpressed animated GIF

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