
10 Pickup Lines You Should Never Use.

10)  "You look like an angel that fell from heaven and hit its face on the pavement." This would never really work...

10) "You look like an angel that fell from heaven and hit its face on the pavement."
This would never really work and you would end up banging your head on the wall.

9) “You are almost as beautiful as my sister. But well, you know, that’s illegal." 
Why would you compare her to your sister if you have to flirt with her.

8) "I've lost my teddy bear! Can I sleep with you instead?"
she wouldn't really want to sleep with a feminine guy.

7) "I'm a man! You're a woman! You do the math!"
What if shes really week in math?

6) "Nice legs; what time do they open?"
Well it would never now for you.

black and white animated GIF

5) "Burger King isn't the only thing that is king-sized..."
After hearing this she would stop having burgers.

glitter animated GIF

4) Roses are red, violets are twisted. Ready or not. You're about to get fisted.
And you're about to get slapped.
season 2 animated GIF

3) "Hello, and Welcome! You have reached (pause and different voice)Dick Johnson (original voice) female service number. If you are interested in vanilla sex, press 1 now. If you are interested in oral sex, press 2 now. If you are interested in anal sex, press 3 now. If you are interested in group sex, press 4 now. To repeat these choices, press 9 now. If your fetish is not listed here, or you are calling from a rotary phone, please stay on the line and a customer service rep will be with you shortly. Thank you for calling the (pause and different voice) Dick Johnson (original voice) female service number. (Muzak starts playing)"
Well this would just creep her out.
weird animated GIF

2) "Roses are red, violets are blue, I suck at poems, nice tits"
Well 50% chance this would work.
oh no you didnt animated GIF

1) "Hey baby, I've got AIDS."
How and why would this ever work. And you should just kill yourself.
reaction animated GIF

wtf 6219661011546100047

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